March 19, 2013

Salmon with Herbes de Provence

After a couple of jam packed months resulting in a lot of (delicious) eating out and (also delicious) frozen meals, Fridgespiration is back!  Side note: where else can you get a sweet potato gnocchi with sage and butter frozen meal?  I love Trader Joe's.

Another side note: this weekend I had Eggs Long Island at Old Ebbitt Grill in Washington DC.  English muffin topped with scrambled eggs, spinach, fried oysters and hollandaise sauce with a side of cheese grits.  Brilliant.

Eggs Long Island at Old Ebbitt Grill, Washington DC
 Ok, on to the main attraction: Salmon with herbes de provence

What's in the fridge:
- 1 lb salmon
- Juice of half of a lemon
- Salt to taste
- Herbes de provence to taste (about 3 TBSPs)

- Preheat oven to 350
- Place salmon on a baking sheet and season with lemon juice, salt and herbes de provence

Seasoned salmon
- Bake salmon for approx 15 minutes (until translucent).  It doesn't get easier than that!

Cooked Salmon
- Serve with your favorite veggie and starch:  green beans and potatoes here.

Bon Appetit! 

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